Each woman shared what they were living with humility and integrity. There is no white-washing of things to make us look good. We learn from each other and by listening to each story, we find common ground. We discover that we are all the same, we all have to deal with our relationships, our egos, fears and insecurities, and "nightmares" such as guilt, shame, regret and jealousy.
We did a ritual to affirm ourselves. I handed out stones and we spoke what we wanted to affirm in ourselves, that which empowers us, that which we wish to become. By using the "I AM"... which means that the Creator or Goddess in me is..... Each one spoke their affirmations, laying their stone next to the Moon of Affirmation stone, as we drummed in unison.There was a lot of teaching and learning about the Wheel and the Moons.
Near the end, my Initiator Role came through and triggered some people, then it turned into a healing crisis for one of the women. The group stood strong and united and responded to the woman's needs, and she was able to make a tremendous breakthrough in her healing. She later thanked me for bringing up something that she needed to heal. I felt touched by the fact she could be present enough to realize that it was a good thing. My Initiator was not always appreciated in the past, maybe because I was imbalanced in it and that I did not accept this role in myself. By allowing it to work through me without judging or censoring it, it was able to bring some healing.
I always hate for circles to end. When everyone leaves, my house feels so empty. But at the same time, I feel full and energized and renewed, ready to face the challenges in the weeks to come. These circles sustain and nourish me. I feel blessed to be in the company of strong, wise and loving women.
I invite the women who were at the circle to post your reflections, comments, questions or feedback. May Grandmother Moon guide you on your Journey with your inner 2 year old this Month!
P.S. The image is a painting I did of a Tree Spirit, a feminine presence in nature.
I felt that the Elder was able to express herself clearly and that what the others in the circle did was not meant to be disrespectful and I sensed that this was a judgement. I ignored the comments because the ladies who it affected spoke up which I was happy to hear them find their voice and explain themselves...I know that what was said was pushing an individual in a very hard way to her Affirmation but would it have been the breakthrough she needed? we will not know...i know that she was very strong and needed everyone's energy at that wheel to make it through the process....I purposely did not go and touch her or join in the ritual I guided one of the sisters to get teh rain stick and cleanse her I felt her raw energy but she needed to complete her wheel her Affirmation...i still pushed her right to the end of the circle screaming for her so that she could release...i felt the energy of all of our hearts for D that night that was Affirming. this night also opened a raw process for D and H and I and I again pushed us to let go and dig deep into our own healing...Very strong Wind and Moon indeed.
The circles, the winds and Moons are getting more intense. I believe this is related to the Earth changes, which are taking place inside of each one of us. We are being pushed through our healing to find balance, truth, light and love in the face of imbalance, illusions,and darkness.
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